Inspired by the thirteenth-century ministry of St. Francis of Assisi and the twenty-first-century call to action by Pope Francis in Laudato si’ and Fratelli tutti, The St. Francis Day Foundation engages its leaders and participants to act boldly, marshalling concentrated energy and resources on concrete initiatives to address humankind’s hardest problems and improve Human Ecology the world over. As manifestations of the Divine presence in our world, we seek interventions of mercy toward the unambiguous goal of bettering mankind and our earth.
As the world shrinks and the scale of challenges near to us seems to multiply, as the pace of change accelerates dysfunction, too many individuals and communities are afflicted with a sense of futility, meaninglessness, and despair. With fear that the challenges are too great for our puny actions to be consequential, passive indifference can roll over us.
Responding to the summons of Pope Francis, The Saint Francis Day Foundation rejects indifference. Rather, we will act creatively and boldly to address humankind’s hardest afflictions of body and soul. Like Pope Francis, inspired by the ministry of Saint Francis of Assisi, we embrace the coherent message of peace, goodness, generosity, and love to mend the common good and remind us of the wonderous beauty of God’s creation, in our own hearts, and in each other.
The Foundation is committed to defined, scalable action plans. We will summon the greatest possible resources and might to execute impactful, imaginative initiatives and interventions of mercy world-wide. We will better what Pope Francis calls Human Ecology: the future of individuals and communities, the restoration of hope and commitment to the common good, the health of the human community sharing this earth.
Join us in the celebration of Saint Francis Day, October 4, as we re-envision a world in which thrives the beauty of God’s creation of this earth and of the human heart.